Painting wallpaper: what types can be painted, the choice of paint and roller, step by step master class

One of the options for changing the interior - painting wallpaper. Manufacturers offer a smooth and structural coating of different materials. Knowledge of the basic painting technique will help achieve an amazing result.

What types of wallpaper can be painted?

Wallpaper for painting are available in white. They are also longer and wider than conventional rolls. Manufacturers offer several types of coatings that can be painted:

  • Flizelinovye. Non-woven base wallpapers are ideal for painting. The coating looks stylish and masks the defects of the wall. Non-woven fabrics carry multiple repainting, but the relief will become less noticeable. They can be painted from the wrong side, and then glued.
  • Glass fiber In fact, this anti-vandal wallpaper, made of durable material and resistant to mechanical damage. On the wall, glass wallpaper looks like a seamless canvas, hiding surface irregularities. The coating is durable, can be painted many times. Before painting the canvas is treated with a primer.
  • Paper. These are treated with a special composition of canvas, smooth or embossed. They are able to withstand 2-3 repainting without losing the original appearance. The dye is applied with a thin layer, it is not necessary to soak the fabric. At revealing of bald spots and stains it is necessary to paint the second layer.
  • Linkrusta Produced wallpaper in a neutral color, then comes coloring or art painting. It is recommended to paint a day after pasting, or wait 2-3 days. The second layer is applied after 4-5 hours if necessary. Features linkrusty - original patterns, they can be distinguished from the general background.
  • Washable The wallpaper is treated with a special water-repellent compound to protect the coating from the effects of steam and moisture. After painting the wallpaper loses its protective properties, therefore varnish is applied over the paint. From the category of washable coatings you can paint vinyl wallpaper. Most often, washable wallpaper used in the interior of the kitchen.
  • Liquid. In fact, it is an analogue of plaster. Liquid wallpaper sold as a finished mixture or dry matter (before work is diluted in water). Acrylic lacquer is often applied to liquid wallpapers - it provides durability and resistance to cleaning. The coating itself looks original, pleasant to the touch. After painting all effects disappear. You can change the color when applying the mixture on the wall by adding color to the mixture.

What wallpaper can not be painted?

It is important to consider that not all wallpapers can be painted.

  • Single-layer paper wallpaper - quickly get wet and slide off the wall;
  • paper-based vinyl;
  • textile;
  • washable wallpaper based on acrylic - paint dries badly, leaves stains and stains;
  • flat vinyl;
  • photo wallpaper.

Self-painting tools

Painting required for painting.

  • The first and most important tool is the paint roller. The final result depends on it. With tips on choosing can be found in the relevant section.
  • For the roller, you need a tray with a squeeze mesh.
  • It is possible to part paint in the pallet or any other capacity.
  • It will take a small brush to paint the corners, areas along the ceiling and floor plinths.
  • To cover the floor, windows, windowsill need a film.
  • Plinths and small items are stuck with masking tape.
  • Use rag or sponge to remove splashes.
  • For the work you need a telescopic handle for the roller, stepladder or stool.

DIY painting technology

Painting the wall covering does not differ from other painting works. The main thing is to correctly choose the paint, prepare the room and other equipment

Preparation before painting

Before work it is necessary to prepare the room and walls for painting. What to consider:

  • It is necessary to paint the wallpaper after the glue has completely dried.
  • Glass fiber is pre-treated with a primer.
  • Remove traces of glue from non-woven wallpaper, otherwise defects will float after painting.
  • Paints tend to dry quickly. It is recommended to pour a little into the pan and keep the jar closed.
  • The consistency should resemble liquid sour cream. Stir thoroughly before use.
  • If you are not satisfied with the tone, you can add color. The composition is prepared immediately for the whole room, otherwise different shades will be obtained.
  • Glass fiber should be painted at least 2 layers. There is a required interval of 10-12 hours between work.
  • The optimum temperature for painting is 17-25 °.
  • You can not paint the wallpaper with the windows open - because of the draft sheets can fall off.

Painting process

When the inventory and walls are ready, you can start painting.


  1. Take out or cover the furniture with a film.
  2. Doors, window sills, plinth paste over masking tape.

  3. Dip rollers in warm soapy water, squeeze and rinse with clean water or roll on masking tape - there will be no lint on the painted surface.

  4. It is recommended to start painting from above - with a small roller or brush, process 5-10 cm from the ceiling around the perimeter of the room.
  5. Near the floor wallpaper neatly painted with a small roller or brush.
  6. Embossed elements painted with a brush.

  7. A large roller to paint the wall from top to bottom, avoiding bubbles and drips. Do not hold the roller in one place.

  8. If necessary, apply a second layer (after drying the first).

  9. After drying, the paint walls can be coated with acrylic colorless varnish, which protects them from pollution.

  10. Using rags, remove splashes, wash and dry brushes and rollers.

Video instructions

Many people have doubts before work, especially if the person is not a painter. A video with explanations will help to understand the technology of painting wall coverings.


The most important stage of coloring, but there are simple methods for beautifully decorating the walls with your own hands.

Allocation of invoice

To emphasize the individual elements on the wallpaper or to give a pattern of volume, the technique of textural highlighting is practiced. Without waiting for the full drying of the wallpaper, gently blot the pattern area with a damp cloth or sponge, removing the dye. After the surface is completely dry, the desired shade is given to the pattern.

There are wallpapers on non-woven base for painting from the wrong side. To highlight the textured element selected pattern is painted in the desired color or remains in a natural (usually white) tone.

Combining 2 or more colors

To highlight the individual zones practiced combination of colors. There are several options: a combination of related shades, a gradient (the use of one color with a smooth transition from light to dark, or vice versa) and a combination of two contrasting colors.

It does not interfere with the knowledge of the rules of color. Otherwise, it is not recommended to use more than two colors in order to avoid bad taste.

The combination is possible in any direction:

  • horizontally,
  • vertical,
  • diagonal

Drawing a picture on the wallpaper do it yourself

A popular way to design wallpaper after painting is to apply a picture. Modern tools will help to cope with the task even for inexperienced masters. There are a lot of variants of the picture, we will consider some of them.

  • With the help of a textured roller. The tool represents a conventional paint roller with a convex pattern. Before work, you can practice on the extra pieces. For confidence and alignment of the picture, you can mark the wall.

  • Using the stencil. It can be made independently of plastic or cardboard. The stencil is attached to the wall with masking tape. After the preliminary marking (to ensure the perfect combination of the pattern) paint is applied to it with a sponge. After 5-10 minutes, the stencil is removed, the next section is painted in the same way.

  • Freehand or artistic. If you have artistic skills, you can create your own drawing on the wall. Those who can not draw, will help a special device - the projector. A sheet with a picture is brought to it, and the outlines displayed on the wall are outlined with a pencil. The finished image is painted in the desired color.

  • With the help of stamps. Another popular way to paint on wallpaper is to use a stamp. It is smeared with paint, pressed against the wallpaper for a few seconds. You can show creativity and create an abstract composition using available tools. The disadvantage of punching is a blurred or smeared pattern, drips.

Tips for painting without divorce

Painting wallpaper has its own tricks. To achieve the perfect result without any stains, it is worth considering the recommendations of experienced painters:

  • It is necessary to paint a dry and clean wall.
  • Use rollers with natural bristles.
  • If old paint is used, first test it on unnecessary sheets - it is not known how it will behave.
  • Apply a thin layer of paint and spread it well on the surface.
  • Hard to reach places to paint with a brush.
  • Good soak roller dye.
  • If possible, use a spray or spray gun.

What paint is better to paint?

When purchasing a colorant, it is necessary to make a start from the material of the coating and the purpose of the room (apartment, office, etc.).

Type of wallpaperInk base
PaperWater emulsion
FlizelinovyeWater dispersion and water emulsion
Glass fiberAcrylic and latex
LinkrustLiquid oil and acrylic, wax paste

Basic paint selection rules

What to consider when choosing paint:

  • Latex paint is recommended for indoor use on the sunny side - it does not fade with regular exposure to sunlight.
  • For kitchen and bathroom the right decision - latex or acrylic paint. They are resistant to moisture and steam.
  • Matte paint masks the defects of surfaces, dims bright lighting.
  • Satin paint is durable, it is recommended for bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Glossy paint compensates for the lack of lighting in darkened rooms.
  • Aqueous emulsion ink is quickly washed off. Not suitable if you plan to wash the walls frequently.
  • Water-dispersion composition is suitable for painting the bathroom and kitchen - it is not afraid of water and cleaning.

What roller is better to paint?

Anyone who plans to paint the wallpaper manually, it is better to use the paint roller. There are several types of tools, the difference in the length of the pile and the width of the device.

  • Velor roller with a short nap is good to paint a smooth wallpaper. It will also help to lightly roll the picture, for example, with a textural selection of the element.
  • It is better to paint deep relief with a fur long-fleece roller. Villi are able to penetrate the entire depth of the texture, painting over the most inaccessible places.
  • Smooth cloths can be painted with a foam roller. But he leaves bubbles on the wallpaper, reducing the quality of work.

Features painting the ceiling

Pasting the ceiling wallpaper is popular when decorating the premises. The algorithm of actions when painting the ceiling is the same, but there are nuances that are important to consider:

  • Cover the floor, window sills, and furniture if possible.
  • Ceiling baseboards painted in one color with the ceiling. To protect the wallpaper on the edge of the baseboard stick masking tape.
  • It is better to work during daylight hours in order to evaluate the result in daylight and electric lighting.
  • If primer treatment is required, it should have the same base paint. You can start painting the ceiling after the primer is completely dry.
  • After applying the first layer, turn on the light and inspect the ceiling. In the presence of gaps - paint over.
  • Painting the ceiling is carried out in 2 layers. The first is distributed parallel to the window, the second - perpendicular.
  • New wallpaper on the ceiling can not be painted 1-3 days, until the glue dries.

Paint consumption calculator

The consumption of the dye is calculated based on the painted area. Usually the manufacturer on the bank indicates the amount of the proposed work. In order to avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses for painting, you can use the paint consumption calculator provided.

Painting wallpaper - the ability to transform the interior in any style. Proper preparation and choice of material guarantee an effective result. Wallpaper for painting can be repainted again, which saves the budget when translating creative ideas.

Watch the video: How to Paint a Wall (April 2024).

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