Design project apartment with their own hands

The designation "design" came into use in the XVI century in Europe. Although the word comes from the English language, an exhaustive interpretation of the term was given in Italy: the concept of art, which appeared in man under the influence of higher powers, the muse, God. Design is a dynamic system that is based on technical aesthetics, but at the same time is in constant development. In the first journal in the world, entirely devoted to this area of ​​art, two theses were formulated, on which it is still based. In the first place for any designer should remain the functional purpose of things, and only in the second - its decoration. That is, in trying to invent something original, non-standard, beautiful, we must not forget about the purpose for which it was created. The author of the simple wording was Sir Henry Cole, who presented the world not only with many technical innovations, but also became the author of the idea of ​​Christmas cards. Over time, the concept was divided into separate branches, which created a complex structure. Among them, and interior design - a set of rules and features of the interior decoration of the room. Along with the landscape view (arrangement of the site and yard area), it is most often used in everyday life and has practical benefits. The development of such projects is done by professional designers, but each owner of an apartment or house faces the problem of creating a unique environment. In order to save money or from the desire to try out their talents of the designer, many refuse to use the services of craftsmen and independently start designing. This task is not an easy one, since housing should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. How to make the design of the apartment project itself and what rules newcomers need to focus on and talk in this article.


Before proceeding with the repair, should undertake the development of the project. Previously, designers created drawings on paper. This work was painstaking and took a very long time to draw one sketchy sketch, it was possible to spend several hours. When errors were found, it was necessary to start all over again. Now in the age of high technology, when almost every home has a personal computer, special programs have come to the rescue of designers. They made it possible to draft the project manually without any outside help. If for some reason the designer does not want to contact the visualizers, you can use a simple photoshop. In the absence of graphic designer skills, a sketchy outline will suffice. To develop your own project for someone, not for yourself, you need to get into the bullseye with the concept of work. When choosing it, they are based on age, gender, psycho-type, personality traits and preferences of the owner. Inspiration is drawn from the beautiful, high-quality works of venerable designers, but you shouldn't get carried away and slip into frank plagiarism. Other people's ideas are good only when they cast images of their own.


Stages of project creation

All work can be divided into stages:

  • Preliminary study of the territory, the creation of a technical plan with measurements of the premises and analysis of engineering networks. Much will depend on the accuracy of the figures that the designer will receive, since an error of even a millimeter can have serious consequences. By the way, in the new serial houses measurements can be borrowed from the MBTI plan.
  • Preparation of the project on paper or in the program. Visualization of the plan. The introduction of measurements.
  • Redevelopment, installation of partitions, zoning. Laying of communication lines.
  • The choice of stylistic solutions, colors, materials of decoration.
  • Arrangement of furniture. At this stage, we must not forget that all objects should have their place, but at the same time in the room should not form lonely voids.
  • Selection of decor.

After drafting the draft on paper, it is redrawn on a clean sheet or printed out, if the creation took place in the program. When among acquaintances there are experienced pros who have eaten more than one dog in this business, then it is useful to give them their work to study.

If there is no permanent access to the apartment or house, then during the measurements you need to make an act of photofixation and capture the room. Being far away, it will be easier to plan something and select the most optimal solutions if the pictures are constantly before your eyes.


Determine the style

Finding your style in a variety of areas is quite difficult. To decide what the soul is, you just need to study a selection of standard interiors. Although the type of housing does not impose any restrictions on stylistic concepts, for certain apartments and houses some areas are used more often than others. So for luxury apartments they choose chic classics, baroque, rococo, art nouveau, colonial style. For one-bedroom apartments in Khrushchev pick up convenient options that allow you to smooth out the main drawback - cramped. The areas that are able to transform small rooms ("scourge" of small one-room housing) include minimalism, futurism, loft, Japanese, Scandinavian style. On the territories of spacious studios embody the ideas of modern style, high-tech, eclecticism, fusion, Provence. Since the type of layout is considered an innovation in the world of interior fashion, the situation should correspond to such a fashionable apartment. In country houses they use Russian style and country music, as two polar varieties of ethnics. In the conditions of the hinterland, they look the most organic. In addition, they allow saving on materials, as you can always use henchmen (wood) if the forest is close and the work permit from the local huntsman / forester is available. Cozy and homely Provence, a more strict chalet, a number of "geographical" areas: Italian, German, Spanish, English style are also suitable for decoration of holiday apartments.


The choice of colors, textures and finishing materials

Independent selection of the palette should start with the concept of color combination. The principles of combining mass, but select only the main ones:

  • Complementary or contrast. In this combination, two colors are used, which are located on different sides of the Itten spectral circle. They are opposite in psychological meaning, but at the same time they look saturated and impressive in combination. Since the duo is too "lively" it is not recommended to use for the design of bedrooms. Choose neutral areas: bathroom, living room, hall.
  • A similar combination. In this case, choose up to five shades from the color spectrum, which are located on the circle in the neighborhood. Do not forget to adjust their intensity so that the composition does not turn out to be too bright.
  • Triad. The optimal number of colors to create a cozy interior in the "active" rooms: kitchen, living room. To select colors, a conventional triangle is drawn inside the spectral circle. His tops will indicate the desired shades.
  • Quartet. To select the four primary colors can be drawn inside the circle square. The points of contact of his ribs will indicate the correct tone. In general, the combination of the four shades is already a bit oversaturated, so with such a composition you should be careful.


The choice of surface textures determines the “warmth” of the walls, floor, and ceiling. Gloss, for example, gives chic to the atmosphere, but also makes it slightly official, museum. With frosted surfaces is already easier, since they are "warmer". Among the "soft" options mark the texture of veneer, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but also gentle to the touch.

Among the variety of finishing materials it is easy to get lost especially if the designer has never tried to design interiors himself before. Using a combination of their textures, you can even make conditional zoning of the room. The stylistic concept will help with the choice, as each direction is opposed to some materials and does not accept others. For example, in the classic kitchen using expensive tiles on the floor and on the walls. In shebby chic and some eclectic styles only inexpensive materials are used, among which PVC is distinguished. Any village destinations, whether country or Provence, adore the tree. This material covers literally all surfaces in the chalet. Partially it is used in the classical style, but at the same time the walls are covered with wallpaper. For high-tech pick plastic, glass and metal.


Develop a plan diagram of the electrics and lighting

The wiring diagram combines cables, sockets, switches, meter, switchgear and bends. Proper selection of equipment and materials is the main goal for which this plan is being developed. Looking at the scheme, it is possible to rationally plan work on the arrangement of the electrical network in the house. Having at hand a detailed drawing, it is much easier to determine the input power that is needed. If necessary, the scheme will help to redistribute it when rescheduling. This will prevent network overloads and fire hazards.


Selection and placement of furniture

Furniture items are arranged in such a way that there are no “empty” spaces, but at the same time, comfort is preserved for those who stay in the room and for those who move along it. In large rooms, you can use the island layout and make the central set in the middle. For example, in the living room it will be a sofa with a coffee table, in the bedroom - a bed, and in the kitchen - two of the three vertices of the working triangle. If the room is cramped, the furniture is placed around the perimeter. For narrow rooms do not recommend using the method of parallel planning. In this case, the furniture is placed along two “long” walls, which will visually make the room even more elongated. If the room has a non-standard form, then the headset elements select special, original, emphasizing its features. By the way, it is better to refuse furniture sets. The exception may be only kitchen sets. In other cases, the kit is chosen independently. The process will take some time, but the situation will not look like a typical apartment decoration from the 70s. In small rooms they use multifunctional “garden” furniture. It saves space and, if necessary, is removed, taking up even less space. In Provence, Russian, and Country styles, some elements of furniture can be made by yourself, since the trends welcome such a creative approach and have nothing against gross forms.

If the wall of the room has numerous defects that are difficult to fix, then place a built-in closet (dressing room) along it. No one will see the flaws, and the owners will have a huge wardrobe.


Development of additional elements of decor

The entire decor is conventionally classified into two groups:

  • Items that are solely for decoration. Special comfort - to a greater extent the merit of just such "useless" from a rational point of view trinkets.
  • Decor that performs useful functions. It includes floor lamps, bedside lamps, lamps, sconces, flower vases, jewelry boxes for mirrors, mirrors, hot gloves and napkins in the kitchen.

Decorative "grinding" of the interior should be developed after the main works. However, schematic sketches should be ready long before this stage. On the project, the walls, the floor and the ceiling ahead of time are decorated with the decor, which will be located on their surfaces afterwards. Elements that transform the furniture, you can pick up after repair. Single pictures, pictures or group compositions are hung on the walls. Also look organically mirrors, paintings, bas-reliefs, mosaics, designer collections of plates, porcelain, baskets. The floors are traditionally decorated with carpets, walkways, rugs, animal skins. The colder in the room, the longer their nap. Recently appeared self-leveling floors, which allow you to decorate this surface with incredible drawings. The ceiling is decorated with stucco, frescoes, beams, painted with complex multi-level frame structures made of plasterboard. However, the main decoration of this zone is a chandelier.


Visualization using computer programs

Among popular visualizers, professionals note:

  • 3D Studio MAX. The program is in demand not only among amateurs, but also in a professional environment. Perhaps this will be the best recommendation. The planner boasts high detail and a large assortment of interior details.
  • Sweet Home 3D. Free visualizer designed for novice users. The detailing is primitive, in order to drag the desired object into the three-dimensional room, simply hold it with the left mouse button and drag it out of the graphic list. Unfortunately, the range of parts is quite poor, but additional catalogs are available on the official website for download.
  • Roomle. Another "simplified" version of the scheduler, designed for beginners. Using the program for free, but the work is possible only online, that is, all information is stored in the cloud, and without an Internet connection to make adjustments to the digital design project will not work. In addition to the design, the user can evaluate his work by walking around the virtual home.
  • Floorplanner. Detailed visualizer for beginners. The creators did not rely on the beauty of the picture, but on the possibility of developing a detailed project together with communication lines, partitions and stairs. The program has not been Russified, but a simple interface will help not to get lost in the toolbar.
  • Apartama. An online service that will become an erudite assistant in the design of the design, as the planner also includes training and useful tips. The program can change the layout, pick up finishing materials, furniture, decor items. The visualizer will also provide addresses of stores where real samples of virtual copies of furniture are sold, that is, the user will immediately know how much the bed you like for a bedroom or a vase for a living room costs.


Home improvement - the first priority for any designer. Visualizers will help you learn how to create your own projects without referring to boring textbooks. Studying the basics of a difficult profession will be a pleasant game.


We make an estimate of the necessary materials

Before making repairs, you need to prepare your wallet for serious tests. In order not to plunge themselves into preinfarction state, the amount is calculated in advance. Before budgeting, carry out the following steps:

  • After taking measurements, accurately calculate (with a small excess) the amount of materials needed for repair.
  • Pull out your own "stocks" and, if you have the right one, exclude it from the general list.
  • With the same purpose, to conduct a survey among comrades who may not need this or that material at all, but gather dust in the garage.


After that, proceed to the study of the market and the pricing policy of sellers. Services and materials with a “above average” cost are added to the estimate. As a result, the amount will be overestimated, but in the event of force majeure, funds can be distinguished from this "excess stock". If everything goes smoothly, the remaining money will be a nice bonus to the original repair. In the estimate contribute:

  • Draft and basic materials;
  • The cost of labor of workers;
  • Consumables;
  • Delivery of cargo and garbage collection.

In the preparation of estimates focus on just such a simple plan. It is drawn as a table and divided each item into subgroups. What is available or already purchased is marked with a plus, and what is not there yet is indicated with a dash.


Necessary tools for the implementation of the project

In this case, it is impossible to provide an exhaustive list, as in different situations a certain scope of work is carried out. If the repair has already been made and you just need to arrange the furniture, then you will need measuring devices and fastening systems (nails, screws, dowels). If you plan to complete the redistribution of an apartment or house, you will need a huge amount of tools at each stage of work. For example, for pasting walls with wallpaper, you will have to stock up on glue, water, containers, a roller and brushes, a primer, clean rags or sponges, gloves, a measuring tape. If you need to create a complex framework for a suspended ceiling, you will need a hammer drill, a range finder (tape measure), level, screwdriver, suspensions for web, blade, stepladder, sealant. For each stage of the work will require a special set of tools.


Conclusion - project implementation

Making a design project yourself is only half the battle. Much more complicated and interesting will become its embodiment in reality. The more detailed you will develop a project, the less problems will arise at the implementation stage. Before proceeding with the second part of the re-equipment, critically examine your preliminary work several more times. It is better to even show it to another person, or look through it yourself, but with a fresh head. Так обычно становятся заметны ошибки, которые раньше в глаза не бросались.


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