Orange color in the interior - combinations and design options

An important role in the design of the interior is the color scheme. The main color of the environment in the room can perform several practical functions. With it, you can visually change the parameters of limited space, adjust the quality of visible light. Thus, he is able to directly influence the mood of the owner. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know the basic color combinations. Harmonious shades will create a comfortable environment for finding or living in this room. One of the bright tendencies of recent times is called the orange color in the interior. Adapting a positive, but at the same time somewhat aggressive color to the conditions of the room is quite a challenge. To cope with it, you should familiarize yourself with its physical characteristics and the psychology of human exposure.

Characteristic palette

Orange is characterized by its assertiveness, defiant look. He demands attention and actively influences everyone without exception, even if he does it in different ways. Depending on the purpose of the room (whether it is a bedroom or a kitchen), its shades should vary. As the priority should be given not so much to the creation of a fashionable interior, as to providing the room with an atmosphere of comfort.

In the color spectrum, orange is the warmest shade, and is located between the red and yellow colors. This largely determines its symbolic component, which can be described as life-affirming, sensual, dynamic. The mixture of the values ​​of the two surrounding colors here does not seem to be random, rather accumulates their total energy.

Associations with strength, speed, youth, a certain pamperedness only complement the image of a charismatic color. They help to cope with negative tendencies in a person’s life, to cleanse themselves from filthy and simply dismal moods. His presence can symbolize the imminent change, the discovery of new horizons.

Color features

These include the following points:

  • Orange color excludes cold shades, it is inherent only in heat;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulating the improvement of the work of the most important organs (brain, stomach);
  • Favorably affects mood, creates a feeling of happiness. Giving joy is one of its main functions;
  • The ability to activate a person’s power and excite his energy went to orange from the red neighbor. At the same time, there is no negative aggression or anxiety inherent in the red color;
  • Orange color can visually expand the space and increase the volume of objects;
  • Its effect on surrounding objects can be characterized by a change in the purity of their immediate color. He makes them softer;
  • The presence of an orange color in the interior is a motivating factor favoring human communication. His sensuality and emotionality can even go off scale.

Orange color has a whole universe of various shades, depending on the degree of approach to the red or yellow neighbor in the spectrum. He is also able to absorb other colors (pink, gray), while forming a completely new tone. For example, to light include cream, pale peach or light apricot shades.

The bright, even fiery shades include mandarin, coral or amber, which are in perfect harmony with other colors, forming a rich gamut. By the same muted are those that contain discreet shades of beige, and are not inherently defiant (terracotta, ocher). Often they are used as the primary color in the design of living rooms.

Role in the interior

The choice of this dynamic color is characteristic of optimists who are healthy and positive. Their conviction in their own ability to cope with life's difficulties is admirable. The demonstration of superiority, the warmth emanating from them eloquently testifies to the absence of even a hint of an overcast mood.

Stable associations with the sun, sea sand and oranges simply cannot act otherwise. The sages of the ancient East firmly tied him to the church bells, beneficially affecting the spiritual side of human life. Sailors and explorers of mountain peaks have long used this color as a symbol of salvation, noticeable even at a great distance.

All these properties are also transferred to the creation of a comfortable interior in the house. Orange shades are used in a variety of styles that are suitable for rooms of any purpose. The versatility of color does not make a difference between exactly who lives in a given room - a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Therefore, orange is the best choice for the arrangement of a child's room.

The unique ability of orange in the interior is also in the fact that it brings the surrounding objects closer - be it a furniture set or walls. This necessitates a competent approach to the design, since the abuse can lead to a visual reduction of space. In addition to approximation, it also visually increases their volume. Carpets of orange shades seem somewhat larger than their counterparts of a different color.

In interior design, the most commonly used shades are peach, pumpkin and terracotta, since subconsciously they are perceived better than bright aggressive tones.

Variants of use in the interior of the house

  1. Combination with pastel shades. The essence of this method is to create a concrete impression: in order for orange to show up only barely noticeably, it must be drowned in neutral, reserved colors. Such are the pastel mint and delicate cream tones that do not allow the active color to roam. It is intended only to revive the boring interior, while sinking into the general light gamut.

For example, if the owner of the house has acquired a bright orange sofa, which attracts too much attention - his bright upholstery can be partially covered with a light cape. Such a technique allows to level an excessively poisonous shade, but at the same time leaves its solar essence visible.

  1. Cooling the color spectrum. To calm the riot of brightly fiery color, it is enough to recall the restraining influence of blue. A cool palette of shades of the latter can neutralize the tangerine madness of the first. It is recommended to use these two colors in equal proportions to balance the impression. You should also pay attention to the harmony of their combination. For example, a discreet terracotta will look good with steel shades of blue (cobalt as an option). More bright, carrot or orange, should be combined with such cold shades as turquoise or azure.

  1. Show courage fantasy. Here is meant a psychological moment. To decorate a room with an orange color, you don’t need a lot of mind, but using it correctly will make the interior more soulful. For example, saturated should not be used in a small space, it is much more suitable for a spacious room. Otherwise, a bright shade will cause anxiety in a person. An important point is also the selection of a suitable furniture set. It should create a certain contrast with an extraordinary shade of orange. For this it is recommended to use light colors.

  1. Create an orange composition. This may be a few items, the style of which will stand out orange accent. The boldness is characterized by the use of a deep shade of rust or tangerine, since its texture will always distract all attention to itself. The remaining shades of orange will somewhat graze in front of his head, emphasizing the dominant position.

It is important to prevent the abuse of color. For this, the space around the composition should be as neutral as possible, white, sandy or dark gray.

  1. Orange focus on unusual objects. To feel the completeness of the interior is often not enough "fire", catchy element. Those can make any component of a furniture set - a dressing table or orange ends on all items. A lot will depend on the owner. Only he knows what kind of object should be central. There are no rules or exceptions, everything is given to the person himself. Courage and determination must accompany the right choice.

  1. Ornament orange small decor elements. It is the most accurate and careful reception. Allows you to quickly organize a bright accent in the interior, which can then always be removed. With orange shades, this is all the more relevant, since the mood in a person is not constant, it can often change. In addition, you should not discount the various fashion trends in the design design. An example is the use of bright textiles, whether it is a blanket in the bedroom or a patterned tablecloth in the kitchen. You can also brightly arrange kitchen utensils. The options here are actually a mass.

Suitable rooms

Most designers agree that the use of bright orange hues is appropriate in the kitchen (where they will have a friendly conversation), in the nursery (a symbol of the sun and happiness for children is simply necessary), in the study (positive thinking is very important), and in the dining room ( because it whets the appetite).

And on the contrary, you should not use bright color in the rooms for rest, because then you will not be able to completely relax, something will distract. Also tangerine shade can negate all the romance of the bedroom.

Strongly contraindicated use of fiery orange in sunny rooms. And so hot space will glow red hot. This effect must be avoided, neutralized by other shades.

As for the style, then the most popular are retro (this style includes the 60s), Mexican style, country. Orange is also used in more modern pop art, minimalist designs of the east. But such classic styles as Empire or Rococo try to avoid it, only occasionally combining with brown.

In the interior of the living room

Its use in the living room is primarily due to the factor of friendliness, sociability of color. However, you should use pastel shades that do not strain your eyes. The actual use of orange can make the living room exit to the north side.

Then you just need to use orange inserts to warm it up in this way. It can be orange curtains in combination with a bright sofa of the same shade. Or textile accessories on light objects.

To paint all the space of the room with a solid orange is not at all worth it. For the overall harmony of the perception of orange inserts, it is recommended to use a combination with such colors as blue, gray, and also snow-white.

Some designers, on the other hand, recommend in the living room to show courage and unleash imagination. For example, paint the ceiling in orange. It guarantees warmth and great mood to all guests. Just remember that pure orange should prefer peach shades or the same ocher.

In the interior of the kitchen

Since scientists have long confirmed the beneficial effects of color on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, its use in the kitchen is almost the best course.

Warm peach tones will significantly increase your appetite. It can be not only wallpaper or tile on the walls, but also napkins, kitchen accessories, dishes in the characteristic orange color. If we are talking about furniture, then it is good to combine it with the gloss of the facades.

The main condition for this will be the purity of the selected surface, because the dirty orange tile will negate the entire comfort effect.

In the interior of the bathroom

To relax in a warm room, it is enough to use colorful pieces of furniture, a variety of lockers.

Combined black and gray and orange

Their reflection in the mirror will help make the person’s face appear somewhat fresher and younger. Skin color will get a beautiful natural shade.

To bring himself in order, such a feeling is simply necessary. Thus, intimate space can warm the inner world.

In the interior of the nursery

Children this color distinguishes conveys a sense of cheerfulness, active life.

Provided a harmonious combination with celestial shades, from white to deep blue, his presence will significantly affect the overall development of a positive child.

Do not forget that it is orange responsible for cheerfulness, happiness and fun. Why, even the color of children's surprises can make parents laugh.

In the interior of the bedroom

It cannot be said that it is too often used in the bedroom, however, the pastel tones of orange will contribute to a sense of calmness, warmth in the shower.

It is recommended to use light pink, apricot or salmon shades. Saturated is best left for the living room or kitchen. There are essentially no limitations here.

You can choose as the orange element of the decor wallpaper or to stay on a cozy textile.


More cheerful and optimistic colors simply do not exist. It is characterized by its warmth and ability to beneficially affect human health. However, one should keep in mind the sense of proportion, because too much orange will not lead to anything good.

Watch the video: Interior Design One Dining Room, Two Different Wall Colors (April 2024).

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