The choice of orthopedic mattress: features, types of fillers, sizes

The choice of orthopedic mattress: the main factors

To sleep was calm and deep, the position of the body should be comfortable. The function of the mattress is to support the spine and ensure the correct position of the body. But, in addition, a person should be comfortable in a dream - the body should not be squeezed, the skin should breathe, the springs should not creak, etc. Here are these two main factors and should be oriented when buying a mattress.

  • Support. The property of the anatomical mattress to bend by an amount corresponding to the weight ensures the correct position of the spine, since under the heavier parts of the body the mattress bends more strongly, under the lighter parts it is less. The higher the stiffness - the less pronounced this ability, so it is very important to choose a mattress of the correct stiffness. It is better to consult an orthopedic surgeon about this to assess the condition of the skeletal system and the level of support you need.
  • Comfort. It is not enough to ensure the correct position of the body, it is also necessary that it should be comfortable for the person himself, that separate parts of the body should not “go numb”, the mattress should not press anywhere. In this case, the materials from which it is made should pass air and water vapor in order not to sweat in a dream.

In addition to these two factors, pay attention to other features of orthopedic mattresses, which are no less important:

  • Hygiene. The mattress should be well ventilated, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity of the body during sleep. Some manufacturers report a well-designed ventilation system. Pay attention to the covering layer, it can be universal or designed for a particular time of year. Some of the mattresses are produced “versatile” - the flooring material is on one side designed for winter time, it is made of wool, and on the other, on summer, made of cotton.
  • Hypoallergenic. Well, if the mattress is made of environmentally friendly materials, in this case it will not release into the air substances that allergies can develop. This factor influences the choice of orthopedic mattress, especially if it is intended for a small child or an elderly person.
  • Transfer strain. If two people are sleeping on the bed, the mattress’s ability to transmit deformation becomes essential. When one person gets out of bed, the other’s sleep should not be disturbed. The high degree of transmission of deformation blocks differ dependent springs.
  • Edge stability. The edges of the mattress are a “weak” place, they are easily deformed, most often this happens if you have a habit of sitting on the edge or sleeping close to the edge of the bed. Good manufacturers additionally reinforce the edges with a polyurethane foam or steel bar frame.

The rigidity of orthopedic mattresses

The quality and degree of support of the spine is determined by the rigidity of the mattress on which you will sleep. There are three groups of stiffness with different purpose:

  • Soft. These mattresses are designed for people with low weight, as well as for the elderly. For those whose bone skeleton is only being formed, they are not suitable.
  • Semi-rigid Medium stiffness suits most healthy people.
  • Hard. Mattresses are designed for children and young people who have not completed the formation of the skeletal system. People with a very high weight, especially those suffering from obesity, to sleep on these is not recommended.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress, suitable for hardness for you? To do this, lie on it. It is better if someone looks at you and determines how smoothly you lie, whether you have a straight spine.

  • Norm. The mattress of “correct” rigidity takes the form of a body, as a result the spine forms a straight line parallel to the floor. In this position, the muscles relax, the body fully rests in a dream.
  • Softer than necessary. If the spine flexes, there is a feeling of “hammock” - the mattress is too soft, after a night spent on it the back can ache.
  • Tougher than necessary. The line of the shoulders and hips looks raised. This means that the mattress is too hard, the body will "press down" to it, disrupting the normal circulation of blood and lymph. The next morning, swelling is possible, as well as a feeling of "numb" neck, legs, arms.

Another selection criterion may be weight.

  • Up to 60 kg - low stiffness
  • 60 - 90 kg - medium hardness
  • Over 90 kg - high rigidity

We are talking only about healthy people of middle age.

Tip: To check whether you have made the right choice or not, lie on your back. Put your palm under the lower back. Does it pass freely? The mattress is too hard. Shift from side to side. Difficult? The mattress is too soft.

Comfort level

Comfort - a special feeling, it is not always possible to understand, due to what it is achieved. In the case of a mattress, it is easy to determine: if it presses on protruding parts of the body, for example, the hips and shoulders, when you lie on your side, then it will be uncomfortable to sleep. The larger the area where the body touches the mattress, the less the sensation of pressure, since the weight is distributed more evenly.

When deciding which orthopedic mattress to choose, it is better to focus on artificial and natural latex and also “memori” foam, they provide the most comfortable sleep conditions. If you are an adherent of spring mattresses, choose the one in which the number of spring blocks per unit area is larger - the load distribution in it will be evener.

Types of orthopedic mattresses

There are two types of mattresses that provide proper back support.

  1. Spring
  2. Springless

In the mattresses of the first type springs are used as filler. They can differ in the steel from which they are made, in the number of turns and also in the method of fastening - to be connected with each other or independent. The mattresses of the second type as a filler have sheets of elastic material or a combination of sheets of different materials, differing in density and elasticity. Both types are of all degrees of hardness, and can provide a full comfortable sleep.

Spring types of orthopedic mattresses, in turn, are divided into two types:

  • Dependent. The springs, having the form of a double cone, are stacked in rows and interlock with each other. The main advantage is the low price. Differ in the small term of operation (no more than 7 years). The orthopedic effect is rather weak. Not recommended for use by people with high weight (more than 100 kg), as well as couples with very different weight.
  • Independent. Each spring is placed in a separate cover. In a single unit springs are connected by stitching the covers. These mattresses are more expensive, but last longer - up to 10 years. The orthopedic effect is pronounced enough.

The main indicator of the quality of spring models is the distribution density of blocks, measured in units per square meter. A score of 200 is the minimum for quality models. In addition, the springs can vary in size, and distributed in the mattress in different ways. In accordance with this, several groups are distinguished:

  • Pocket Spring (TFK, S-500). The most budget option of an independent spring unit. The springs have a diameter of about 6 cm, the density of their distribution is 220 - 300, the permissible load is up to 120 kg per berth.
  • Multipocket (S-1000). The diameter of the springs is slightly less - about 4 cm, and the number - more (density 500). Maintains up to 130 kg per bed. Provides better orthopedic support and greater comfort than Pocket Spring.
  • Micropocket (S-2000). The diameter of each spring is 2–2.6 cm, the density is 1200. Such a mattress is less elastic than others, and is very elastic, which increases the comfort of sleep.
  • Hour Glass. Another name - hourglass. The springs are made in an unusual shape, similar to an hourglass, thus achieving optimum rigidity. The main advantage - suitable for people with any weight.
  • Dual Spring. The special properties of the orthopedic mattress provide double springs, they allow people with a weight differing by forty kilograms to sleep comfortably on the bed. The maximum weight of one partner is 150 kg.
  • Reinforced. For the manufacture of springs in such mattresses using a wire of increased diameter. The blocks themselves are installed alternatingly, in a “checkerboard” order.
  • Hardness zones. Installation in different areas of the mattress of springs of different rigidity allows you to more evenly distribute the load and provide comfort to people of different build. There are three, five and seven-mattresses. Also, the mattress can be divided into two beds with different degrees of rigidity for partners who have very different weight.

Fillers for orthopedic mattresses

Springless mattresses are made of various materials, both natural and artificial. In particular, exotic fillers such as sisal or horsehair can be used. Let us consider in more detail the most popular options, their pros and cons.


Polyurethane foam polyurethane foam. It has other names (foam, ortofom).

Pros: Low cost, availability.

Cons: Poor air and moisture permeability, low durability, can accumulate odors and retain them for a long time.


Modified polyurethane foam foam with memory effect. Trade names Memory Foam, Memorix.

Pros: After removing the load returns to its original form. Less pressure on the body, contributing to better movement of blood and lymph in the body.

Cons: Bad breaths.


Foam derived from the juice of the tree of the Hevea (a type of palm trees).

Pros: Fully natural and very eco-friendly material. It easily changes shape under pressure, gently “embraces” a person lying down, provides comfort and proper thermoregulation. Does not absorb odors and moisture. The term of operation is up to 20 years.

Cons: The only negative - the high price, which, however, pays off a long service life.

Artificial latex

It is made from polyurethane foam processed in a special way.

Pros: Of popular materials for orthopedic mattresses, this can be considered optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. Maintains a lot of weight.

Cons: The service life of such mattresses does not exceed 15 years.


This material is obtained from the fibers obtained from the coconut inter-fruiting. Completely natural material with high elasticity. Each hair coir can be considered as a mini-spring.

Pros: Resistant to moisture, it does not start microbes and mold, the material does not rot.

Cons: Pretty tough material that requires a combination with softer for a comfortable stay.

Streamfiber (periotek)

It is made from synthetic polyester yarns, sometimes with the addition of natural cotton, bamboo, wool, flax yarns without the use of adhesives and resinous substances.


It is made of polyester fiber. It has good air permeability, compresses little, holds its shape well.


Its properties are similar to memory foam, but have a gel-like structure. Due to this, it can distribute the load in all directions, which allows to reduce the pressure on the body. The main disadvantage is a very high price.

Exotic natural fillers:
  • Horsehair. Expensive material, considered one of the best fillers. Additionally soaked with latex. You can make hard and semi-rigid mattresses with very good orthopedic support.
  • Sisal. Obtained from the leaves of the plant Agava sisolana (agave sisal). Also subjected to additional impregnation with latex. Sisal is a tighter material than coir, but more durable.

Size of orthopedic mattresses

Manufacturers offer a wide range of standard sizes, among which you can choose a model for any bed. In addition, there is always the opportunity to order a non-standard size, although it will cost a little more. The main difficulty is to determine the size of the mattress you need. Use the following tips when choosing a mattress:

  • Measure your height and add at least 15 cm - the length of the mattress should not be less than the resulting value, but it is better if it is 5 cm longer.
  • Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and measure the distance between your elbows. This is the width of the mattress that you need. If you sleep together, then similar measurements should be done for a partner. And again provide a few centimeters "in stock".
  • Do not forget to measure the size of the bedroom in order to properly imagine the possible size of the mattress.

Standard mattress sizes

The most common and popular models of mattresses have the following dimensions:

  • width: 80, 90 cm (single), 120 cm (one and half-sleeping), 140, 160, 180, 200 cm (double).
  • length: 190, 195, 200 cm.

Choosing an orthopedic mattress in the store

And finally, you have decided which model you need. Now - to the store to check your decision in practice. Suppose you need a mattress of "medium hardness." But different manufacturers have their own ideas about the degree of rigidity, their materials, and, accordingly, different results. Therefore, tune in to the fact that you will have to lie on different mattresses, and the more models you try, the more correct the choice will be.

  • To choose the right orthopedic mattress, it is necessary to evaluate as precisely as possible how comfortable it is to lie on it. This will help free clothing, familiar and comfortable for you.
  • Go to the store in the morning on a day off. After a working day, any bed will seem very comfortable.
  • Do not hurry! Each mattress must be given at least 10-15 minutes. Otherwise you will not feel the comfort.
  • Shift from side to side, then take a favorite position for sleeping and lie down for a while - this will help to correctly assess comfort.
  • Sleep on the same bed with your spouse? Go to the store together, arrange "running trials" together.
  • Springless mattresses seem to be softer if they lie on the ground alone, not surrounded by the bed frame. They seem tougher if you put them in the frame. The effect is most pronounced for latex.
  • The creaking and “ringing” of the springs will tell about the low quality of the mattress.

Tip: The choice is best made in a large specialty store, where there is an opportunity to try many different models from different manufacturers at once. The disadvantage of such shopping centers is that the prices in them, as a rule, are unreasonably high. If you are not satisfied with the price, look for your favorite model in the online store. As a rule, prices there are significantly lower with the same quality of goods.

Watch the video: Mattress Buying Guide. Consumer Reports (April 2024).

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